AngularJS Data Binding

AngularJS Data Binding

AngularJS Data Binding tutorial will drive you on various ways of data binding from controller to view. As you all know, angularjs  follows two way data binding:

  • When model changes at controller corresponding data on view changes
  • when data changes at view level then it data in  model also reflected  at controller level

Angular Two way databinding example

Data binding ways:

  • Using Angular Expression {{}}

    • <div ng-controller="DataBndCtrl" >
      var app = angular.module('DataBindingDemo', []);
      $scope.labelName = "Email Address";
      $scope.value="[email protected]";
    • One-time binding Using Expression

      AngularJS provides you one time binding expression to display the model values on first time only and  it doesn’t displays even model changes. One-time expression starts with :: is and it de-registers the binding.

      •  <div ng-controller="DataBndCtrl" >
         <input type="text" ng-model="value"/>
        var app = angular.module('DataBindingDemo', []);
        $scope.labelName = "Email Address";
        $scope.value="[email protected]";
    • {{::value}} is one time expression and {{value}} is binded with <input> control.  It displays “[email protected]” always, even if you enter value in the input box then it won’t change the display value. It means, it binds to model for one time only.
  • ng-bind

    • ng-bind can also be used to display the model value. It replaces the html attribute with bind expression text
    • ng-bind-html tag is used to display html content
    • ng-bind-template is used to display multiple model attributs
    • <body ng-app="DataBindingDemo" ng-controller="MainController">
       <div ng-controller="DataBndCtrl" >
       <label ng-bind="labelName"></label>:<span ng-bind="value"></span>
        <p ng-bind-template="{{labelName}} {{value}}" />
        <br/><input type="text" ng-model="value"/>
  • ng-model

    • ng-model binds form control elements: input,textarea,select and adds css classes for each control element: ng-valid, ng-invalid, ng-dirty, ng-pristine, ng-touched, ng-untouched, ng-empty, ng-not-empty
    • ng-model also provides validtions
    • <input type="text" ng-model="value"/>