Spring Interview Questions

Explain difference between Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection?

Please go through this post for detailed answer: https://javasavvy.com/inversion-of-control-and-dependency-injection-with-spring/

How Autowiring works in Spring?

Please go through this post for more details:https://javasavvy.com/how-autowiring-works-in-spring/

Explain what are all most used or important annotations in Spring framework?

Please go through this post for more details : https://javasavvy.com/spring-framework-annotations/

Explain difference beween component, controller, service and repository annotations?

Please go thorough this post for detailed answer: https://javasavvy.com/difference-between-component-controllerrepository-service-annotations-in-spring/

What is difference between Component and Bean ?

Please go through this post for more details: https://www.javasavvy.com/spring-difference-component-and-bean/

Explain difference between CrudRepository, JpaRepository and PagingAndSortingRepository

Please go through this post for more details:https://javasavvy.com/springboot-difference-between-crudrepository-jparepository-and-pagingandsortingrepository/

How to disable Auto configuration in Spring boot?

Please go through this post for more details : https://javasavvy.com/spring-boot-disable-database-auto-configuration/

3 thoughts on “Spring Interview Questions”
  1. Thankyou great page, works fine.This is a very good workaround for this maven ecplsie bug. I needed to set my JRE libary again in ecplsie afterwards, but I think thats something to do with mu project setup.

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