git tag and git branch are used to manage different versions or snapshots of a codebase in Git, but they have some key differences in how they function.

git tag is used to mark a specific commit in the Git history with a label, which can be used to identify a particular version of the codebase. Tags are typically used to mark releases or milestones in the project’s development. Tags can be annotated or lightweight. Annotated tags include a message and information about the person who created the tag, while lightweight tags only mark a specific commit and do not include additional information.

git branch is used to create a new branch in the Git repository. A branch is essentially a pointer to a specific commit in the Git history, and it allows developers to work on different features or changes in parallel. Each branch can have its own set of changes, and can be merged back into the main branch (usually called master or main) once the changes are complete. Unlike tags, branches are mutable, meaning they can be modified, deleted, and recreated as needed.

In summary, git tag is used to mark a specific commit in the Git history with a label, while git branch is used to create a new pointer to a specific commit in the Git history to allow parallel work and experimentation on different features or changes.