How to check tomcat is running in Linux

To check if Apache Tomcat is running on Linux, you can use the following methods:

Using the ps command:

Open a terminal and run the following command:

ps aux | grep tomcat 

This command will search for any running processes containing the term “tomcat” in their names. If Tomcat is running, you will see the corresponding process details in the output. If there is no output, Tomcat is not currently running.

Checking the service status (systemd-based systems):

If you are using a systemd-based Linux distribution, Tomcat may be managed as a service. In that case, you can check the service status using the systemctl command. Run the following command:

systemctl status tomcat 

This command will display the status and some information about the Tomcat service. If Tomcat is running, the output will indicate that it is active. If it is not running, the output will indicate that it is inactive or not found.

Checking the Tomcat process using the netstat command:

You can use the netstat command to check if Tomcat is listening on its default port (8080). Run the following command:

netstat -tuln | grep 8080 

If Tomcat is running and listening on port 8080, you will see an output line indicating that. If there is no output, Tomcat is not running or not listening on port 8080.

These methods should help you determine if Tomcat is running on your Linux system. Choose the appropriate method based on your system configuration and requirements.