How to check user permissions in Linux

To check user permissions in Linux, you can use various commands and methods depending on what specific permissions you want to check. Here are a few common approaches:

Using the ls command:

Open a terminal and navigate to the directory or file for which you want to check permissions. Then run the following command:

ls -l 

The output will display the file or directory permissions for the current location, including the owner, group, and permissions for the file or directory.

Using the stat command:

The stat command provides detailed information about files and directories, including permissions. Open a terminal and run the following command, replacing <file> with the path to the file or directory you want to check:

stat <file> 

The output will include various information, including the permissions of the specified file or directory.

Using the id command:

The id command displays user and group information. Open a terminal and run the following command to check your own user permissions:


If you want to check the permissions of a specific user, you can run the following command, replacing <username> with the desired username:

id <username> 

The output will include information about the user, including the group membership.

These methods provide different levels of information about permissions depending on your specific needs. You can choose the appropriate command based on whether you want to check permissions for a file, directory, or user/group.

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