Java Beans vs Spring Beans

Spring Interview Questions

In this post, we will see Java beans vs Spring beans.

Java beans and Spring Beans are two different concepts in Java development and have different meaning altogether.

Java Bean:

  • Java Bean is simple class
  • Java bean is a plain Java class that follows naming conventions
    • Should have no-argument constructor
    • private properties with public getter and setter methods
    • Implements Serializable interface
  • Java Beans used in Persistent and data transfer

Spring Bean:

  • Spring Beans are managed by the Spring Framework and are used for dependency injection
  • Spring Bean is an object that is instantiated, assembled, and otherwise managed by the Spring IoC container
  • Spring Beans are used extensively in Spring-based applications to manage the lifecycle of objects and to promote loose coupling between components
  • Spring managed beans can be created and configured in several ways, such as using XML configuration, Java annotations, or Java-based configuration
  • Spring container can then inject dependencies into the beans and manage their lifecycle, including creating, initializing, and destroying them
    • init
    • destroy
  • Spring manage beans with automatic dependency injection, AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming), declarative transaction management

In summary, Java Beans are simple Java classes that encapsulate objects, while Spring Beans are managed by the Spring Framework and are used for dependency injection and lifecycle management.

Thanks for Reading..