If you are trying to squash 4985258, da0a945 then you will get this exception if you mark all commits with s

You will get error when you squash commits like any one of the below screens: All below screens are wrong and squash will fail. Always remember the first commit should have ‘r’ i,e reword

Correct Squash Order:

Solution: If you are in middle of rebase then run git rebase –edit-todo


$ git rebase --edit-todo

Step2: You will get screen like below and change from squash to “r” for reword

press 'i' for insert
replace squash with r //reword

Step3: Run git rebase –continue.

A new window will open and change the message if required

Step4: git push -f

Solution2 :

If you are not in middle of git rebase and want to squash then abort the rebase and restart like shown below:

$ git rebase --continue
error: cannot 'squash' without a previous commit
error: please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'.

jayaramp@jayaram MINGW64 /d/GITDemo/gitdemo (main|REBASE)
$ git rebase --abort

$ git rebase -i HEAD~3

The correct order to squash commit is:

Edit the comment like shown in below