How to Set Upstream Branch on GIT

In Git, an upstream branch is the default remote branch that your local branch is connected to. Setting an upstream branch helps in keeping your local branch in sync with the remote branch and makes it easier to pull updates from the remote branch.

To set an upstream branch on Git, you can use the git push command with the --set-upstream or -u option followed by the name of the remote branch. Here’s an example:

  • First, check which branch you are currently on by running the git branch command
$ git branch
* main
  • Next, run the git push command with the --set-upstream or -u option followed by the name of the remote branch:
$ git push --set-upstream origin feature-branch

This sets the upstream branch of your local feature-branch to the origin remote’s feature-branch.

Alternatively, you can use the -u option as shorthand:

$ git push -u origin feature-branch
  • Finally, you can verify that the upstream branch has been set correctly by running the git branch -vv command:
$ git branch -vv
  main     0123456 [origin/main] Commit message here
* feature-branch 789abc0 [origin/feature-branch] Another commit message here

The origin/feature-branch label next to your local branch indicates that it is tracking the remote feature-branch branch as its upstream branch.