GIT force push to remote branch

You can use the git push command with the --force or -f option to force push your local branch to the remote branch. This can be useful if you have made changes to the remote branch outside of Git, and you want to update the remote branch with the changes from your local branch.

Here’s how to force push a local branch to a remote branch:

  1. First, make sure that you have committed all your changes to the local branch using the git commit command.
  2. Next, use the git push command with the --force or -f option to push your local branch to the remote branch:
$ git push --force <remote-name> <local-branch-name>:<remote-branch-name>

For example, if you want to force push the master branch to the origin remote repository’s master branch, you can use:

$ git push --force origin master:master

Note that when you force push a branch, you will overwrite the remote branch with the changes from your local branch. This can be dangerous if other developers are also working on the same branch, as it can cause conflicts and make it difficult to reconcile changes.

Therefore, you should use force push with caution and only when you are certain that it will not cause any conflicts or data loss. It is generally recommended to use regular git push or create a new branch instead of force pushing to avoid conflicts and ensure that you don’t lose any data.