How to undo the last git commit

To undo the last Git commit, you can use the git reset command. Here’s how to do it:

  • Make sure you are on the branch where you want to undo the commit. You can use the git branch command to check the current branch, and git checkout to switch to a different branch if needed.
  • Run the git log command to view the commit history and identify the hash of the commit you want to undo. Note the first 7 characters of the commit hash.
  • Run the git reset command with the --soft option followed by the hash of the commit you want to undo. This will reset the branch to the specified commit, but keep the changes from that commit staged.
git reset --soft HEAD~1 
//Alternatively, you can use the shorthand HEAD instead of HEAD~1 to refer to the last commit.
  • Run the git status command to verify that the changes from the undone commit are now staged.
  • Run the git commit command to create a new commit with the changes from the undone commit staged. This will open your default text editor for you to write the commit message.
  • Save and close the commit message file to create the new commit.
  • Finally, run the git push command to push the changes to the remote repository.
git push

Note that undoing a commit using git reset will remove the changes made in that commit, so use it with caution. It’s a good practice to make a backup or create a new branch before running any potentially destructive command.