How to checkout file from another branch

To checkout a file from another branch in Git, you can use the git checkout command with the name of the branch and the file you want to retrieve.

Here’s an example of how to checkout a file from another branch:

  1. First, make sure you are on the branch you want to retrieve the file into. If you are not on that branch, use the git checkout command to switch to it:
$ git checkout my-branch
  1. Then, use the git checkout command again to retrieve the file from the other branch. For example, if you want to retrieve the file file.txt from the branch other-branch, you can use the following command:
$ git checkout other-branch -- file.txt

This will checkout the file.txt from other-branch into your current branch, my-branch.

If the file you want to retrieve has the same name in both branches and you want to overwrite the local file with the version from the other branch, you can use the -f or --force option with the git checkout command. For example:

$ git checkout other-branch --force file.txt

This will overwrite the local file.txt with the version from other-branch.


Suppose you have two branches named feature and develop, and you have made changes to a file index.html in the feature branch. Later, you realize that you need to checkout an older version of index.html from the develop branch. To do this, you can use the following command:

$ git checkout develop -- index.html

This will retrieve the index.html file from the develop branch and overwrite the local version of the file in the feature branch.

Note: If you have any changes to the file in the working directory, those changes will be lost when you checkout a different version of the file. Be sure to commit any changes you want to keep before checking out a file from another branch.