How To Compare Two Git Branches

In Git, you can compare two branches to see the differences between them using the git diff command. Here’s how to compare two branches in Git:

  • Make sure you’re on the branch that you want to compare the other branch to. You can use the git checkout command to switch to a different branch.Replace <branch-name> with the name of the branch you want to switch to.
        git checkout <branch-name>
  • Compare the two branches using the git diff command.Replace <branch1> and <branch2> with the names of the branches you want to compare.
       git diff <branch1> <branch2>


Suppose you have two branches named master and develop and you want to compare the differences between them. Here are the steps you would follow:

  • Switch to the master branch using the command git checkout master.
  • Compare the two branches using the command git diff master develop.

The git diff command will display the differences between the two branches. The output will show which files were modified and what changes were made to those files. If you want to compare the branches in a graphical interface, you can use a Git GUI tool like GitKraken, SourceTree, or GitHub Desktop. These tools provide a visual representation of the differences between branches and allow you to easily merge changes from one branch into another.